According to the definition of the World Health Organization (WHO), health is “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not just the absence of disease or weakness”.

This holistic view of man is becoming increasingly important in medical practice. In anthroposophical medicine, the sick individual has always been perceived and treated as a whole personality. In addition, the purpose of anthroposophical physicians and therapists is to give the patient the greatest possible opportunity to overcome the disease alone, giving the patient increased strength in the long run.

Anthroposophical medicine as an extended form of orthodox medicine More and more people are turning to alternative medicine, which is often considered to include anthroposophical medicine. However, this is not in any way considered an alternative to orthodox medicine, but rather a deliberate addition and extension of it.

Anthroposophical doctors are always medical specialists with a license to practice as a doctor as well as training as a consultant if necessary. In addition, they have completed further education and training in the conception and healing methods of anthroposophical medicine, which was founded almost 100 years ago by Rudolf Steiner and Dr. Ita Wegman.

The basic principles of anthroposophical medicine are medical professionalism as well as understanding and a sense of responsibility towards the patient in his or her “special situation” of being ill. The patient is therefore considered both as a whole and individually, ie his or her personality, biography, life conditions and potentials. The consequence of this is that the relationship between doctor and patient is in most cases particularly trusting.

The disease itself is always understood in this context as an opportunity for personal development. For example, the infection is not suppressed, if possible, by treating inflammatory diseases by prescribing antibiotics and antipyretics, but instead the goal is to allow the patient to overcome the disease on their own and thereby strengthen him or her in the long run. Fever, for example, is often regulated by compressions on the lower leg and the accompanying symptoms treated with natural remedies to simultaneously and permanently improve the patient’s self-healing powers. However, if necessary, the traditional medical procedures such as the administration of antibiotics are always used.

What is Anthroposophy?

Anthroposophy is a scientific and artistic movement which is based on a certain insight: That man in his innermost being is a spirit being, and that it as a whole consists of body, soul and spirit. The term anthroposophy is composed of the Greek words anthropos (human) and sofia (wisdom or knowledge) – and thus means wisdom or knowledge of man.

Anthroposophy was founded by the Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925). Through his lifelong exploration of man and of the supersensible, he gained the realization that the essence of man and thus the laws of human existence, can be explored. Steiner states that “Anthroposophy is a path of cognition that will lead the spiritual in the human being to the spiritual in the universe.”